Патова Е.Н., Шадрин Д.М., Шалыгин С.С. & Новаковская И.В. [Patova E.N., Shadrin D.M., Shalygin S.S. & Novakovskaya I.V.]
Stigonema lichenoides sp. nov. (Nostocales, Сyanobacteria): новый вид, выделенный из лишайника Ephebe lanata [Stigonema lichenoides sp. nov. (Nostocales, Сyanobacteria): a new species isolated from the lichen Ephebe lanata] -
Новости систематики низших растений [Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rastenii] / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium,
57(2): A15–A31
[in Russian with English abstract: ]
A new cyanobacterium species Stigonema lichenoides Patova, Novakovskaya, Shalygin et Shadrin, sp. nov., a photobiont of the cyanolichen Ephebe lanata, has been described. The samples were collected from rocky substrates in the mountain tundra of the Northern Urals. A detailed morphological description is given and differences between this species and related taxa of the genus Stigonema are discussed. A molecular phylogenetic analysis of the studied samples was …