Biocrust effects on soil infiltrability in the Mu Us Desert: Soil hydraulic properties analysis and modeling
- Author:
- Guan H. & Liu X.
- Year:
- 2021
- Journal:
- Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics
- Pages:
- 69: 378-386
- Url:
The presence of biocrusts changes water infiltration in the Mu Us Desert. Knowledge of the hydraulic proper-ties of biocrusts and parameterization of soil hydraulic properties are important to improve simulation of infiltration and soil water dynamics in vegetation-soil-water models. In this study, four treatments, including bare land with sporadic cy-anobacterial biocrusts (BL), lichen-dominated biocrusts (LB), early-successional moss biocrusts (EMB), and late-successional moss biocrusts (LMB), were established to evaluate the effects of biocrust development on soil water infil-tration in the Mu Us Desert, northwest of China. Moreover, a combined Wooding inverse approach was used for the es-timation of soil hydraulic parameters. The results showed that infiltration rate followed the pattern BL > LB > EMB > LMB. Moreover, the LB, EMB, and LMB treatments had significantly lower infiltration rates than the BL treatment. The saturated soil moisture (θs) and shape parameter (αVG) for the EMB and LMB treatments were higher than that for the BL and LB treatments, although the difference among four treatments was insignificant. Water retention increased with bi-ocrust development at high-pressure heads, whereas the opposite was observed at low-pressure heads. The development of biocrusts influences van Genuchten parameters, subsequently affects the water retention curve, and thereby alters available water in the biocrust layer. The findings regarding the parameterization of soil hydraulic properties have im-portant implications for the simulation of eco-hydrological processes in dryland ecosystems.
- Id:
- 37606
- Submitter:
- jph
- Post_time:
- Friday, 31 January 2025 09:55