Neu- und Wiederfunde der schleswig-holsteinischen Flechtenflora
- Author:
- Neumann P. & Dolnik C.
- Year:
- 2024
- Journal:
- Herzogia
- Pages:
- 37(2): 288–299
- Url:
New discoveries and recoveries for the lichen flora of Schleswig-Holstein.
New discoveries and recoveries of lichens, lichenicolous or allied fungi are presented for the federal state of Schleswig-
Holstein. Ten species thought to be extinct have been recovered. In total, 46 species are recorded for the first time in
Schleswig-Holstein, among them 17 lichens, 26 lichenicolous and three lichen-allied fungi. Absconditella celata and
Zwackhia sorediifera as well as the lichenicolous fungus Didymocyrtis microxanthoriae are new to Germany.
- Id:
- 37587
- Submitter:
- zpalice
- Post_time:
- Wednesday, 29 January 2025 12:23