A new species and new records of lichens for South America and Colombia from the tropical dry forest in the middle basin of the Cauca River [Una nueva especie y nuevos registros de líquenes en Colombia y Suramérica en el bosque seco tropical de la cuenca media del río Cauca]
- Author:
- Soto-Medina E.A., Castaño-Naranjo A., Granobles J. & Aptroot A.
- Year:
- 2021
- Journal:
- Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales
- Pages:
- 45(175):415-420
- Url:
- https://doi.org/10.18257/raccefyn.1322
Species of lichens Bapalmuia costaricensis Lücking & Kalb, Herpothallon confluenticum Aptroot & Lücking, Herpothallon nigroisidiatum G. Thor, and Herpothallon rubromaculatum G. Thor are reported for the first time for Colombia, and Pyrenula cryptothelia (Müll. Arg.) Aptroot & Etayo is registered for the first time for South America. These new records come from the tropical dry forest of the middle Cauca River basin, a highly threatened ecosystem in Colombia. A new species, Synarthonia robertiana Soto-M. & Aptroot, with UV+ yellow ascomas is also described.
- Id:
- 37550
- Submitter:
- jph
- Post_time:
- Friday, 24 January 2025 20:26