Liquens do Miranda, Pantanal: uma investigação das espécies liquênicas dos capões
- Author:
- Aido M.M.H., Aptroot A., Koch N.M. & Spielmann A.A.
- Year:
- 2024
- Journal:
- Biodiversidade Brasileira
- Pages:
- 14(4): 106–137
- Url:
- doi: 10.37002/biodiversidadebrasileira. v14i4.2564
Lichens from Miranda, Pantanal: an investigation of lichen species of capões.
[in Portuguese with English abstract: ] This study exposes the diversity of lichen fungi in the Miranda region, Pantanal. The methodology sampled the maximum number of epiphytic lichens morphotypes present at each point, covering 25 sampled areas. Specimens were collected between 50 centimeters to 170 centimeters tall. Forty eight genera
and 84 species of lichens were found. The most abundant species are: Alyxoria varia, Bacidina medialis, Glyphis cicatricosa, Glyphis scyphulifera, Graphis
caesiella, Graphis lineola, Lecanora leprosa, Opegrapha astraea, Opegrapha cylindrica, Pertusaria flavens and Trypethelium eluteriae. Graphis is the genera
with the largest number of species present (11 species) and Pyrenula is the second with 9 species. Lichens with crustose growth habits are the most common in the sampled region.
Keywords: Lichenized fungi; Ascomycota; taxonomy.
- Id:
- 37417
- Submitter:
- zpalice
- Post_time:
- Friday, 27 December 2024 11:43