Zwackhiomyces lecaniae D. Gonnet, O. Gonnet et Cl. Roux sp. nov., champignon lichénicole non lichénisé, et clé des Zwackhiomyces (Ascomycota, Xanthopyreniaceae)
- Author:
- Roux C., Gonnet D., Gonnet O. & Poumarat S.
- Year:
- 2023
- Journal:
- Bull. Soc. linn. Provence
- Pages:
- 74: 131-146
- Url:
Description of a new species of non – lichenized lichenicolous fungus, Zwackhiomyces lecaniae D. Gonnet, O. Gonnet & Cl. Roux, parasite on the thallus and apothecia of Lecania olivacella (note on the latter). Comparison of the new species with other known Zwackhiomyces. Corrigendum to the I reactions of Zwackhiomyces indicated by Poumarat et al. (2022). Key to the species of Zwackhiomyces. France. Zwackhiomyces lecaniae D.Gonnet, O.Gonnet & Cl.Roux (on Lecania olivacella from France). Includes key to Zwackhiomyces
- Id:
- 37130
- Submitter:
- jph
- Post_time:
- Thursday, 28 November 2024 09:30