Riqueza y composición de líquenes de los pueblos mágicos de Cuetzalan y Tlatlauquitepec, Puebla, México [Lichen richness and composition of the magical towns of Cuetzalan and Tlatlauquitepec, Puebla, Mexico]
- Author:
- Pérez-Pérez R.E., Silva-Espejo R., Figueroa-Castro D.M. & Castañeda-Posadas C.
- Year:
- 2024
- Journal:
- Polibotánica
- Pages:
- 58: 31–47
- Url:
- https://doi.org/10.18387/polibotanica.58.3
[in Spanish with English abstract: ]
Beyond the cultural and historical richness that identifies Cuetzalan and Tlatlauquitepec, there is the biological diversity it houses. The dominant type of vegetation is the cloud forest, which is at risk of disappearing due to the transformation to land cultivation, coffee plantations, and tourism, causing the extirpation of the species that live there, such as ferns, lycopods, and lichens. This study aimed to document the lichen richness species of cloud forest; we conducted field trips and opportunistic non-quantitative recollections. We identified 110 lichen species in 52 genera. Most of the species were crustose lichens (38%) and foliose lichens (51%). The genus Parmotrema was mesodiverse with 23 species, while 33 genera were monospecific in presenting only one species each, such as Bacidia, Baeomyces, Bulbothrix, Dermatocarpon, and Teloschistes. We report to Allographa chlorocarpa, A. rufopallida, Leucodermia guzmaniana, and Pyxine pyxinoides that had not previously been recorded in the Puebla state. Instead of the results obtained, there is still much work to inventory the lichen thoroughly. It is necessary to design effective strategies in which lichens are included in priority areas for conservation since they are an important component of ecosystems.
Key words Growth forms; mesodiverse; monospecific; richness; conservation.
- Id:
- 37064
- Submitter:
- zpalice
- Post_time:
- Monday, 18 November 2024 17:03