Биоэкологическая характеристика лихенофлоры государственного природного заповедника «Присурский» (Чувашская Республика) [Bioecological characteristics of lichenoflora of the Prisursky State Nature Reserve (Chuvash Republic)]

Синичкин Е.А. [Sinichkin E.A.]
Самарский научный вестник [Samara Scientific Bulletin]
12(4): 122–128
[in Russian with English abstract: ] The article presents a taxonomic and ecological-biomorphological analysis of the lichenoflora of the Alatyrsky site of the Prisursky State Nature Reserve. The State Nature Reserve consists of 3 clusters (Alatyrsky, Batyrevsky, Yalchiksky). The Alatyrsky section of the reserve is located in the central part of the Prisursky forest area and is represented by various types of forest. As a result of the analysis of the literature and our own field research, 145 species of lichens have been identified in a specially protected natural area of federal significance. Taxonomic analysis showed that the identified lichen species belong to 4 classes (Arthoniomycetes, Coniocybomycetes, Dothideomycetes, Lecanoromycetes), 14 orders (Arthoniales, Acarosporales, Caliciales, Candelariales, Coniocybales, Lecanorales, Lecideales, Peltigerales, Pertusariales, Pleosporales, Strigulales, Teloschistales, Trapeliales, Umbilicariales), 32 families and 68 genera. The predominant taxonomic diversity is the class Lecanoromycetes, which includes 131 species from 24 families, 10 orders. The class Arthoniomycetes is represented by one order (Arthoniales), 2 families and 6 species. The Coniocybomycetes class includes 2 orders – Coniocybales, Strigulales, 2 families and 4 species. The class Dothideomycetes consists of 1 order Pleosporales, 4 families and 4 species. Ecological and biomorphological analysis revealed that the largest number of lichens of the Prisursky reserve is represented by a monotonously typical group of life forms – 60 species, a dissected-lobed rhizoidal group of life forms is 25 species, an awl- or scyphoid group is 21 species.
Monday, 09 September 2024 13:45