Spring Field Meeting: Jersey
- Author:
- Davey S.
- Year:
- 2001
- Journal:
- British Lichen Society Bulletin
- Pages:
- 89: 57-69
- Url:
- https://britishlichensociety.org.uk/sites/default/files/bulletins/BLS%20Bulletin%2089%20Winter%202001.pdf
This article provides a detailed account of the British Lichen Society's Spring Field Meeting held in Jersey from 17th to 24th March 2001, including site descriptions, species recorded, and the overall impact of the meeting on understanding the lichen flora of Jersey. Spring Field Meeting, Jersey, British Lichen Society, Lichens
- Id:
- 36714
- Submitter:
- jph
- Post_time:
- Wednesday, 28 August 2024 12:17