I macrolicheni dei Monti Musi (Parco Naturale Regionale delle Prealpi Giulie) [The macrolichens of the Musi Mts (Julian Pre-Alps Regional Park, Italy)]
- Author:
- Tretiach M. & Molaro C.
- Year:
- 2008
- Journal:
- Gortania
- Pages:
- 29[2007]: 79–108
- Url:
- https://www.civicimuseiudine.it/images/MFSN/Gortania/Gortania%2010/Tretiach,%20Nimis%201989.%20Lichenological%20Studies%20in%20ne-Italy.%20II.%20The%20distribution%20of%20Normandia%20Pulchella%20(Borr.)%20NYL..pdf
[in Italian with English abstract: ]
The macrolichens of the dolomitic-calcareous Musi Mts (Northern Italy) has been
investigated visiting 72 sampling sites distributed between ca. 500-1900 m altitude, and encompassing
the main vegetation belts typical of the South-eastern pre-Alps. The list consists of 105 infrageneric taxa.
Cladonia ramulosa, Collema conglomeratum and Lempholemma polyanthes are new to the lichen Flora
of Friuli. For each species brief critical notes on growth-form, morphology and substratum are given,
together with a list of sampling sites. Causes that might explain the observed low biodiversity are
shortly discussed.
Key words: Alps, Biodiversity, Florislics, lichens.
- Id:
- 36192
- Submitter:
- zpalice
- Post_time:
- Saturday, 20 January 2024 23:52