Эпифитный лишайниковый покров коллекционных насаждений арборетума Ботанического сада Петрозаводского государственного университета [Epiphytic lichen cover of collection trees of arboretum of the Botanical Garden of Petrozavodsk State University]

[in Russian with English abstract: ] At present, 264 species of lichens and allied fungi have been recorded for the territory of the BotanicalGarden of Petrozavodsk State University (Republic of Karelia) and 112 species have been found in its arboretum, wheremore than 200 species of introduced trees grow. The paper presents the results of studying the features of the epiphyticlichen cover of the collection trees of the arboretum of the Botanical Garden of PetrSU (Republic of Karelia). Results of thestudy are based on 1662 descriptions of the epiphytic lichen cover on 209 trees of coniferous species and 1150 descriptions –on 143 deciduous introduced species.The average total projective cover of lichens on the trunks of the studied coniferous introduced species reaches 18 % atthe trunk base, and 19 % – at a height of 130 cm above the ground. The number of species in the descriptions of epiphyticlichen cover varies from 0 to 12 (0.8 in average). The highest values of the projective cover of lichens and the numberof species in the descriptions were observed on the trunks of conifers of the genus Pinus, the lowest – on the trunks oftrees of the genus Thuja. The average total projective cover of lichens on the trunks of the studied deciduous introducedspecies was 8 % at the base, and 25 % – at a height of 130 cm above the ground. The number of species in the descriptionvaries from 0 to 9 (1.0 in average). The highest values of the projective cover of lichens and the number of species in thedescription are noted on the trunks of the genus Quercus, the lowest – on the trunks of trees of the genus Ulmus. Collectiontrees of arboretum tree represent a model object for observing the features of the formation of the epiphytic lichen cover. Keywords: Arboretum, botanical garden, coniferous introduced tress, deciduous introduced tress, dendrarium, epiphytic lichen cover, middle boreal zone.
Андросова В.И. & Чернышева Т.Н. [Androsova V.I. & Chernisheva T.N.]
Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии [Problems of Botany of South Siberia and Mongolia]
20(1): 23–27
Thursday, 30 March 2023 11:43