Scale‑dependent patterns and drivers of vascular plant, bryophyte and lichen diversity in dry grasslands of the Swiss inneralpine valleys
- Author:
- Bergauer M., Dembicz I., Boch S., Willner W., Babbi M., Blank‑Pachlatko J., Catalano C., Cykowska‑Marzencka B., Gehler J., Guarino R., Keller S., Moysiyenko I., Vynokurov D., Widmer S. & Dengler J.
- Year:
- 2022
- Journal:
- Alpine Botany
- Pages:
- 132: 195–209
- Url:
The inner-alpine dry valleys of the Swiss Alps are characterized by subcontinental climate, leading to many peculiarities in
dry grassland species composition. Despite their well-known uniqueness, comprehensive studies on biodiversity patterns of
the dry grasslands in these valleys were still missing. To close this gap, we sampled 161 10-m2
vegetation plots in the Rhône,
Rhine and Inn valleys, recording vascular plants, terricolous bryophyte and lichen species, as well as environmental data.
Additionally, we tested the scale-dependence of environmental drivers using 34 nested-plot series with seven grain sizes
(0.0001–100 m2
). We analysed the efects of environmental drivers related to productivity/stress, disturbance and within-plot
heterogeneity on species richness. Mean species richness ranged from 2.3 species in 0.0001 m2
to 58.8 species in 100 m2
For all taxa combined, the most relevant drivers at the grain size of 10 m2
were southing (negative), litter (negative), mean
annual precipitation (unimodal), gravel cover (negative), inclination (unimodal) and mean annual precipitation (unimodal).
For vascular plants the pattern was similar, while bryophyte and lichen richness difered by the opposite relationship to mean
annual precipitation as well as negative infuences of mean herb layer height, grazing and mowing. The explained variance
of the multiple regression model increased with grain size, with very low values for the smallest two grain sizes. While
southing and litter had high importance for the fver larger grain sizes, pH and gravel cover were particularly important at the
intermediate grain sizes, and inclination and mean annual precipitation for the two largest grain sizes. The fndings emphasize
the importance of taxonomic group and grain size for patterns and drivers of species richness in vegetation, consistent with
ecological theory. Diferences in the diversity–environment relationships among the three taxonomic groups can partly be
explained by asymmetric competition that leads to low bryophyte and lichen diversity where vascular plants do well and
vice versa. The relatively low alpha diversity of vascular plants in dry grasslands in Swiss inner-alpine valleys compared to
similar communities in other parts of the Palaearctic remains puzzling, especially because Swiss stands are often large and
Keywords: Biodiversity · Bryophyte · Dry grassland · Lichen · Scale dependence · Vascular plant.
- Id:
- 34685
- Submitter:
- zdenek
- Post_time:
- Monday, 17 October 2022 23:16