Анализ разнообразия и функциональных признаков эпифитных лишайников в лесах Дагестана разных формаций [Analysis of diversity and functional traits of epiphytic lichens in Dagestan forests of different formations]
- Author:
- Исмаилов А.Б. [Ismailov A.B.]
- Year:
- 2022
- Journal:
- Юг России: экология, развитие [South of Russia: ecology, development]
- Pages:
- 17(3): 125–134
- Url:
- DOI: 10.18470/1992‐1098‐2022‐3‐125‐134
[in Russian with English abstract: ]
Aim. The structure of forest communities changes along the altitude
gradient, which determines the composition of epiphytic lichens. The aim
of the study is to compare the species composition and functional
characteristics of epiphytic lichens in Dagestan forests of different
formations to identify key differences in the lichen flora.
Material and Methods. Data on diversity and structure of 334 species of
epiphytic lichens revealed during in field work from 2015 to 2019 were
used as material for the work. Statistical analysis and data visualization
were performed in Statistica 13.3 and PAST 4.0.
Results. The highest number of epiphytic lichens was revealed in forests
with complex tree structure with the participation of pine. A decrease of
specific species and genera was noted with altitude increase. Cluster
analysis of species, genera, reproductive strategies and growth forms
showed the proximity of mountain forests (Pineta kochiana and Fageta
orientalis) and their distance from lowland forests (Carpineta betulus). The
percent of species forming vegetative diaspores increases in mountain
cluster forests. The "photobiont" indicator is clearer separated of studied
formations. The greatest contribution to the division of the total sample is
caused by difference in altitude, grouping the samples into mountainous
and lowland.
Conclusion. The differences in lichens species composition are results not
only of diversity of the components which form the structure of the forest
community, but also of specific microclimatic conditions which change
with altitude, as well as the degree of anthropogenic disturbance.
Key Words: Lichens, forest formations, altitude gradient, biodiversity, East Caucasus,
- Id:
- 34660
- Submitter:
- zdenek
- Post_time:
- Monday, 10 October 2022 10:52