Global phylogeny and taxonomic reassessment of the lichen genus Dendriscosticta (Ascomycota: Peltigerales)
- Author:
- Simon A., Goffinet B., Wang L.-S., Spribille T., Goward T., Pystina T., Semenova N., Stepanov N.V., Moncada B., Lücking R., Magain N. & Sérusiaux E.
- Year:
- 2022
- Journal:
- Taxon
- Pages:
- 71(2): 256–287
- Url:
The genus Dendriscosticta (Ascomycota: Peltigerales) encompasses several distinctive lichen-forming fungal species restricted
to the Northern Hemisphere. Most are flagship species of old-growth forests with good air quality. A global phylogeny of
the genus based on multilocus sequence data (ITS, RPB1, EF-1α, MCM7), model-based phylogenetic methods, and morphological
and chemical assessments, reveals a high level of cryptic speciation often associated with restricted geographical distribution and/or
chemical characters. Using sequence-based species delimitation approaches, we circumscribe two main clades referred to as the
D. wrightii clade, with five unequivocal species, including D. gelida sp. nov., and the D. praetextata clade, with eight putative species,
including D. phyllidiata sp. nov. The absence of recently collected material of D. hookeri comb. nov. from the type locality unfortunately
prevents assignment of this epithet to one of the five supported lineages sharing this morphotype. Three new combinations are
proposed: D. hookeri, D. insinuans comb. nov. andD. yatabeana comb. nov. Epitypes are designated for D. wrightii and D. yatabeana.
Species diversity within the genus increased from four to nine. Our morphological assessment confirmed that Sticta and Dendriscosticta
can be readily distinguished by the presence of excipular algae whereas the structure of the lower surface pores is not a reliable
diagnostic feature.
Keywords: Dendriscocaulon; epitypification; lichenized fungi; Lobariaceae; Lobarioideae; Peltigeraceae; Sticta.
- Id:
- 34383
- Submitter:
- zdenek
- Post_time:
- Tuesday, 31 May 2022 12:57