Новые для Дагестана виды макролишайников [The species of macrolichens new to Dagestan]
- Author:
- Исмаилов А.Б. [Ismailov A.B.]
- Year:
- 2018
- Journal:
- Ботанический журнал [Botanicheskii Zhurnal]
- Pages:
- 103(6): 755–759
- Url:
- https://www.binran.ru/files/journals/BotZhurn/2018_103_6/BotZhurn_2018_103_6_Ismailov.pdf
[In Russian with English summary:] The data on the records of 10 species and 3 genera (Imshaugia, Lobarina and Tuckermannopsis)
of macrolichens new to Republic of Dagestan is presented. The information on their distribution in the
Caucasus with data of localities is given.
Key words: macrolichens, high mountains, new records, Dagestan, East Caucasus.
- Id:
- 30508
- Submitter:
- zdenek
- Post_time:
- Wednesday, 16 January 2019 15:40