Toninia talparum Timdal (Lecideaceae, Ascomycetes) — новий для ліхенобіоти Євразії вид з Подільської височини [Toninia talparum Timdal (Lecideaceae, Ascomycetes) — new species for lichenbiota Eurasia from Podoliya Heights]
- Author:
- Зеленко С.Д. [Zelenko S.D.]
- Year:
- 2005
- Journal:
- Український Ботанічний Журнал [Ukrainian Botanical Journal]
- Pages:
- 62(4): 517–521
- Url:
[In Ukrainian with English abstract:]
Toninia talparum Timdal is found for the first time for Eurasia during the lichenological investigation in NNP “Podilsky Tovtry”. On the basis of the analysis of the literary data about lichenicolous species of genus Toninia Massal. are marked correlative causations between the form, the sizes spores and a lichen–host. The revealed causations allow to put forward the assumption of existence of two lines evolution among lichenicolous species of a genus Toninia.
- Id:
- 29995
- Submitter:
- zdenek
- Post_time:
- Friday, 16 November 2018 12:41