Лишайники и близкородственные грибы заказника «Красный Бор» [Lichens and Closely Related Fungi of the Reserve «Krasny Bor»]

[in Russian with the following English summary: ] Despite a large number of studies devoted to the study of the biological diversity of lichens and closely related fungi of Belarusian protected areas Lichenbiota of the reserve «Krasny Bor» was not the subject of a special study. The purpose of the article is to carry out taxonomic and ecological studies of the biological diversity of lichens and closely related fungi of the reserve «Krasny Bor». Material and methods. The work is based on the material collected by the author during 2 field seasons (2015–2016). Lichens were collected mainly in 6 forest formations and 13 types of forest. Species composition of lichens and closely related fungi was studied in 98 localities of the reserve. Findings and their discussion. On the territory of the reserve «Krasny Bor» 179 taxa were identified: 168 species of lichens, 8 non-lichenized saprobic fungi (Chaenothecopsis nana, C. pusilla, C. savonica, Microcalicium disseminatum, Mycocalicium subtile, Sarea difformis, S. resinae, Stenocybe pullatula) and 3 lichenicolous fungus (Chaenothecopsis consociata, Clypeococcum hypocenomycis and Corticifraga peltigerae). For the first time in Belarus 7 species of lichens are pointed out: Arthonia didyma, Biatora efflorescens, Lecidea erythrophaea, Ochrolechia bahusiensis, Pycnora praestabilis, Thelocarpon epibolum and Verrucaria xyloxena, non-lichenic fungi – Chaenothecopsis savonica and lichenophilic fungi – Corticifraga peltigerae. Lichens and closely related fungi are found on 9 types of substrates, the largest number of species is found on the bark of trees – 120. For the old-growth forests of the reserve «Krasny Bor» 27 indicator species are identified: 25 lichen species and 2 non-lichen fungi. On the territory of the reserve 6 species of lichens from 26 localities listed in the 4th edition of the Red Book of Belarus were noted. Conclusion. The species composition of lichens and closely related fungi of the reserve «Krasny Bor» has been revealed. The identified indicator species for old growth forest as well as the found localities of protected species of lichens can be used for the establishing rare habitats and restriction of forestry activities on the whole territory of the reserve. Key words: lichens, biodiversity, habitat, substrate, reserve, Belarus.
Яцына А.П. [Yatsyna A.P.]
Веснік Віцебскага дзяржаўнага ўніверсітэта [Bulletin of the Vitebsk State University]
2018/1: 81–89
Wednesday, 17 October 2018 12:24