К лихенофлоре островов и материкового побережья залива Петра Великого (Японское море). On the lichen flora of islands and mainland coast of Peter the Great Bay (Sea of Japan)
- Author:
- Родникова И.М. [Rodnikova I.M.]
- Year:
- 2013
- Journal:
- Новости систематики низших растений / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium
- Pages:
- 47: 253–261
- Url:
Great Bay (Sea of Japan). As a result, five lichen species are reported for the first time for the territory, two of them being new to Primorye Territory: Buellia concinna Th. Fr. and Lecanora polytropa (Hoffm.) Rabenh. Additional information on distribution and substrate preference of 109 previously known lichen species is presented.
Keywords: lichens, Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan, Primorye Territory.
- Id:
- 24462
- Submitter:
- zdenek
- Post_time:
- Friday, 12 September 2014 00:39