Специфіка розподілу лишайників Донецької області на екологічні групи за типом субстрату [Specific of distributing of lichenes of the Donetsk region on ecological groups on the type of substrate]
- Author:
- Машталер А.В. & Голик Г.Н. [Mashtaler A.V. & Golik G.N.]
- Year:
- 2011
- Journal:
- Проблеми екології та охорони природи техногенного регіону [Problems of ecology and nature protection of technogenic region]
- Pages:
- 2011/1: 81–85
- Url:
[In Ukrainian with Russian and English abstracts:] Species composition and specific character of distribution of lichenes of the Donetsk region is investigated (village Udachnoe, Krasnoarmeiskiy district; village Dronovka, Krasnolimanskiy district and
Voroshilovskiy district of Donetsk,) on ecological groups on the type of substrate. It is found out that by the most
suitable type of substrate for settling of lichenes on all investigational districts of area is a bark of trees.
Key words: lichenes, Donetsk region, species composition, substrate.
- Id:
- 24038
- Submitter:
- zdenek
- Post_time:
- Thursday, 10 April 2014 16:07