‘Studia Lichenologica’ in Italia centrale. II. Specie epilitiche nuove per l'Umbria
- Author:
- Genovesi V. & Ravera S.
- Year:
- 2001
- Journal:
- Webbia
- Pages:
- 56(2): 379-387
- Url:
'Studia Lichenologica' in Central Italy. II. New epilithic species to Umbria. -52
infrageneric taxa of epilithic lichens, from natural habitats of mountains and hills
near Temi (S Umbria, C Italy), are reported. This region was, until a few years ago,
one of the least studied of Italy. Thanks to a systematic exploration started in the
last years, the number of known taxa has increased. The epilithic lichen flora of the
Temi area has been studied for the first time: this contribution concerns species
which are new to the region of Umbria, with some notes on their ecological and
phytogeographical characteristics.
Key words: epilithic lichens, flora, Umbria region (Central Italy).
- Id:
- 23921
- Submitter:
- zdenek
- Post_time:
- Thursday, 13 March 2014 12:20